Monday, November 30, 2009

The Next "It" Language: Spanish?

I've never studied Spanish officially, but I have studied the related language of French, and I am able to read Spanish at a rudimentary level just based on what I know from French and English. I get the feeling it would be relatively easy for me to pick up, as it would for most people who have studied another Romance language such as French, Italian, or Portuguese. The pronunciation is not hard based on what I know. It seems to me that the trilled "r" is probably the hardest sound for a native English speaker to make. Obviously, it is a useful language if you live in the Western Hemisphere since there are numerous Spanish speakers living on this side of the world. There is also a great wealth of learning material both online, in bookstores, and in libraries. It would seem to be a good linguistic investment. The one reservation I have is that due to its immense popularity as a foreign language, there might actually end up being a glut of people who know Spanish.

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