Monday, November 30, 2009

The Next "It" Language: Mandarin Chinese?

I have spent a little bit of time studying Mandarin Chinese. I think it's an intriguing language just because it is so different from English. Of course, that's also one of its drawbacks. The grammar is somewhat simple, but it also has its mind-bending quirks. I remember when I was studying it thinking that I must be constructing my sentences wrong because the thought I wanted to express couldn't possibly be expressed so simply. Then I was hit by this rule that I thought was bizarre, such as the fact that they use different words for "or" depending on the context. The tones, as well, are likely to trip people up, at least at first. And learning to read and write also has the reputation for being incredibly difficult. (I never made the effort to learn the writing sytem, simply because it's such a huge undertaking. Perhaps someday soon.)

However, is all of this difficulty in learning the language worth it? I believe so. Even now, learning Mandarin Chinese is seen as a great accomplishment by most people, and I would think it can't help but open doors for anyone who takes it on, due to China's ascendancy in the world.

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